Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Durbar High School - Nepal's Oldest High School

Durbar High School should have been the most prestigious high school in Nepal. Unfortunately, people don’t the value of this historical institution. Durbar School is the oldest public school in Nepal
and while it was once the school that the elite ruling-class sent their children to, it is now in disrepair and is where many of the children who work as domestic servants attend school. In past years we have provided a clean drinking water system, remodeled and repaired the girl’s bathroom, purchased supplies for the science lab, bought computer equipment for the computer classes. TRIFC is also funding the salary for a computer teacher to continue the computer classes at the school. There

is no government funding for this teacher. We also coordinated a pen-friend program at the school, linking the Nepali children to kids at Meadowdale High School in Edmonds and Forest Ridge High School in Bellevue.

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