During the tour he filmed the Nepalese culture and ethn!c diver$!ty. It was originally produced as a $!lent doc*ument@ry but later with an English narr@tion in his vo!ce. He tours different parts of the nation and talks about the life style and culture of the people. He also talks about what he did in the country and also expl@ins about the development work that is curre*ntly happening in the country and what are left to do. He talks about the bridge$, the newly made roads and how they have made the people’s life ea$!er there.
He also talks about what his work was there. He says his work was to study the geography of the country and also search if there were pr!cele$s materials like d!@mond were found there or not. He studied about the geogr@phical condition from Terai to mountains up to Tibet. In the phase he travelled 14 thousand km by foot. At first he was cur!0us and in*tere$ted in the r0ck$ but later when he got to knew the Nepali people he started getting intere$ted in the people. He says so in the doc*ument@ry.
He also talks and shows the $tru*ggle of people in the country as they had to swim across hu*ge rivers with powerful current. He also @dapted many cultures and survival methods of the people. The video shows how much people had to $trugg*le back in the time. As comp@red to then out lives are way ea$!er and modern.
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