Dubai, UAE, on Friday evening. Meanwhile Namrata Shrestha (Classic) and Dayahang Rai (Kabaddi Kabaddi) walked away with honours for Best Actor (female) and Best Actor (male). Prem Geet won awards under six categories.The event saw performances by superstar Rajesh Hamal, Karishma Manandhar, Naazir Hussein, Malina Joshi, Shankar BC, Salon Basnet, and Rishta Adhikari, among others.The event was inaugurated jointly by the crown prince of Ajmal state Seikh Sultan Bin Nasar Al Nuyami and Chairperson of Nefta Pushkar Lama, including Salik Subedi, Rajan Adhikari and Anish Singh Thakuri, representing the organisers. Shortly afterwards, the performances were kicked off with a belly dance by Layla, from Turkey.The event was hosted, interchangeably, by Dinesh DC, Jitu Nepal, Deepak Raj Giri, and the duo of Sanchita Luintel and Nikhil Upreti. Nefta also honoured veteran actors Bashundhara Bhushal, Bhuwan Chand, and Chaitya Devi Singh, with the Nefta Swarnim Samman; while the Lifetime Achievement Award was conferred to Kul Bahadur Mahat and Aananda Bahadur Garmuchhan Magar, “in recognition of their tireless contribution to Nepali film industry, working as cooks.” Also honoured were the duo Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali), with ‘Prithak Yogdan Award’, for their “selfless service to the nation in the time of crisis”; while ‘Protsahan Samman’ was conferred to Deepa Shree Niraula, director of Chhakka Panja—the film is currently being screened across theatres in UAE.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Prem Geet hog the limelight
Dubai, UAE, on Friday evening. Meanwhile Namrata Shrestha (Classic) and Dayahang Rai (Kabaddi Kabaddi) walked away with honours for Best Actor (female) and Best Actor (male). Prem Geet won awards under six categories.The event saw performances by superstar Rajesh Hamal, Karishma Manandhar, Naazir Hussein, Malina Joshi, Shankar BC, Salon Basnet, and Rishta Adhikari, among others.The event was inaugurated jointly by the crown prince of Ajmal state Seikh Sultan Bin Nasar Al Nuyami and Chairperson of Nefta Pushkar Lama, including Salik Subedi, Rajan Adhikari and Anish Singh Thakuri, representing the organisers. Shortly afterwards, the performances were kicked off with a belly dance by Layla, from Turkey.The event was hosted, interchangeably, by Dinesh DC, Jitu Nepal, Deepak Raj Giri, and the duo of Sanchita Luintel and Nikhil Upreti. Nefta also honoured veteran actors Bashundhara Bhushal, Bhuwan Chand, and Chaitya Devi Singh, with the Nefta Swarnim Samman; while the Lifetime Achievement Award was conferred to Kul Bahadur Mahat and Aananda Bahadur Garmuchhan Magar, “in recognition of their tireless contribution to Nepali film industry, working as cooks.” Also honoured were the duo Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali), with ‘Prithak Yogdan Award’, for their “selfless service to the nation in the time of crisis”; while ‘Protsahan Samman’ was conferred to Deepa Shree Niraula, director of Chhakka Panja—the film is currently being screened across theatres in UAE.
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